Pardon the Mess

If this is your first visit here, welcome to my crazy.  If you are returning, thank you.  In either case, please share this site with someone who may find some comfort from one who has been there.

After the sudden death of my 50 y.o. high-school sweetheart husband from undiagnosed heart disease, I became an unexpected (and somewhat unwanted) advocate for grief and the journey of its victims (not because I don’t like helping others, because I truly do – just ask those around me – but simply because I wasn’t expecting to become an expert on this topic quite so soon).  Although I write from the perspective of a widow, I hope these honest, heart wrenching and sometimes humorous articles speak to anyone who is grieving a loss of any kind.

If you have found your way here as many do because you’ve lost someone you love, let me say first and foremost, “I’m sorry for your loss.”  If this is fairly new to you, trust me when I tell you that it’s an ugly, difficult ride, but that it can – and hopefully will – get better for you.   If you’d like to get an idea of what to expect, I encourage you to start here.  If you are here looking for ways to help a friend or loved one who has recently suffered a loss but aren’t quite sure how, this post may help.  Otherwise, feel free to poke around and bit and read anything (and everything) that speaks to you.

The majority of my posts, while dealing with emotional anguish and a sometimes overwhelming sense of emptiness associated with grief, seek to find at least something positive, a beacon of hope among the ashes.  I have found that to find this light, is to not be consumed by the darkness.  Much like the sunflower, we must keep our faces towards the sun.

Please use the buttons to the right to follow me on social media, and I encourage you to sign up to follow my blog, as well.  I welcome feedback and personal messages and will generally respond in less than 24 hours (often far less).

                 Understand that grief is a messy business.  Please pardon the mess.

I wasn’t expecting visitors.

© 2017 Many Faces of Cheri G All Rights Reserved

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